Trust yourself to trust others

I know it's an old cliche but you have to be able to love and trust yourself first. When you can do this then you will know that you will always be able to rely upon yourself to get through anything and you will take responsibility for your own life and happiness therefore you don't have to take any unnecessary risks to invest all your love and trust in another to make you happy. Being able to trust yourself and your ability to make the important decisions in life that are right for you will mean that you will not have any need to trust or rely upon others with the big things in life which will make it less scary because you will only be willing to and need to trust them with the little things initially that will not have a major impact on you should they prove to be untrustworthy as you will have managed damage limitation and know not to trust them again with no real harm done. Those that prove they are worthy of your trust and love you will be able to give further...