Are we really far right extremists?

 In response to being asked if I hate Muslims... this is my truth! From my experience ..  my right to free speech not far right ideology!! 

Currently I'm just extremely disappointed with British Muslims. And rightly so. As people in their community have consistently displayed Islamic extremist ideology, carrying out henious acts of terrorism and destruction in western society and now clearly targeting British children. Instead of wanting to expose those in their culture who are doing things they claim Allah don't allow, they call it islamaphobia and us racist.. knowing that our weakest government will always prefer racial sensitivity reasons over right and wrong in Britain.. culturally we conflict as in western culture if the shoes were on the other foot, people in western culture would certainly not protect these vile henious animals and call it antiWhitism.. its the equivalent of saying that because in Britain child serial killing is illegal that Fred and Rose West, Brady and Hindley are victims of racism and not guilty!

I just don't understand why you don't hate those who carry out henious crimes in the name of Allah who call themselves Muslims, who are causing islamaphobia in Britain, more than you hate western culture in the nation where you born and were accepted as equals in. You don't make friends by protecting Islamic terrorists in Britain. That's on you. Instead of vilifying Shamima Begum, her family and your community for not preventing her leaving the nation at 15 to travel to join a Islamic terrorist cell. Noone noticed her missing and many teens like her, Noone knows who funded their one way tickets, Noone took them to the airport, aware of her destination, nor had details of the itinerary or had arranged for an adult to greet them on arrival as an unaccompanied minor .. Noone reported them missing, not her parents, community or teachers??

Play dumb, but claim Muslims don't behave like Islamic extremists and yet your all campaigning for her to return to Britain and call us racist for not granting her citizenship again after at 15 she left to join a terrorist cell fully aware that she would be carrying out henious acts of terrorism in the nation you and she were born in..

What's to like really.. by western standards, you are all traitors and Islamic ideology sympathisers. If I'm far right, islamaphobic.


  1. Sadly no doubt the police will be there in the hour to arrest her for inciting racial hatred. Another one silenced because they are British and living in Britain where she lives and loves the culture.


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