Whats one certainty in life we can be sure will always happen and will never change?

Oh the irony of it!

The answer is; 
(drum roll please ...

Of course..

(and I dont mean coins)

“Change is the only constant in life.” – Heraclitus

Although many seem to  dislike or fear change, 'a change is gonna come' as Ella Fitzgerald sings so beautifully. That's just how it is!

Nothing stays the same and can never be the same as it was before again.

Everything is constantly changing! Everything around us and every one of us.

Buddhism teaches us that everything is fluid and  temporary, including the  bad times so to accept it as it is and go with the flow of life!

For many people the idea of being in control of their own lives and making changes is a frightening concept and so they prefer to do nothing believing that they will remain the same.

Whether or not, you want to change, you are going to change so surely it's better to make the changes you choose to make that can benefit you rather than be subjected to changes that are imposed on you by the things that are changing around you.

Surely the changes in which you have no say being a deciding factor for your course in life are far more frightening than the option of choosing which changes you feel are right for you.

Personally I see change as a good thing which is why I am forever changing my life to the extreme. However I am not normal and very much a risk taker at heart as I love the thrill of changing my surroundings in favour of living in the many other countries of this world and quenching my inquisitive nature and my travel bug at the same time.

Nothing is more exciting to me than throwing in my hand and picking a whole new set of cards.

Besides change is part of the evolution process... those creatures that opted for change millions of years ago, that got out of the sea onto land and adapted by growing  legs are the reason why we are here today and a reminder to us all that in order for the human race to continue we have to keep evolving.

Considering that us intelligent beings still only use 10% of our brain capacity then we have a lot of changes still to make!

One small change a day to improve your life means that in a year you would have made 365 changes for  good for yourself and your life.

That's a total transformation to being and achieving whatever you desire in life and can be your reality this time next year!


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