Religion still has some value, why the seven deadly sins should be avoided!
Its hardly a surprise therefore that this view of many now being religions are out of date and not relevant today I totally understand. Its 2000 years old!
Perhaps more of a surprise though that it's only in this new century that this view has become so widespread which does pose the question, if it really has no value why has it taken 1900 years for this view to come about.
That to me says that maybe it's more about the religious text we still have as a reference and guidance that should have been modernised to reflect what it stands for in today's terms that makes it so out of date and no longer relevant and not the underlying messages in religion itself.
Having tried myself to read various doctrines (bible, Qur'an, scriptures of Buddhism) I know how hard going it is to understand or make sense of the words written back then in terms that us people 2000 years later can ever possibly have any connection or identify with and why we now fail to see the concepts at the heart of all religion, which are very similar. These being the reason they have survived for 2000 years!
The reason, I see as, why they may not be known to many now is only due to the failure of those who are appointed, anointed or the chosen ones supposedly to be head of that faith that have done little to move forward and adapt with the times when every other sector, whether it be law, business, education, government and even Royalty all have needed to do so and have done to remain current!
I don't know of any law, business or anything else except religion that has been around 2000 years!
As for text, Shakespeare is still hanging in there almost 500 years later but if it were not for the intensive studies of his work as a student of English Literature then I would have no idea what his written words were all about like most people these days!
However the sad truth of it being that for these religions that have stood the test of time for 2000 years there has to have been some valuable information which still can be very relevant to us living a better way of life that's beneficial for us today.
As an example, 'The seven deadly sins' were compiled by Pope Gregory the Great around the year 600, based on his findings in Christian literature.
He saw these sins as the fundamental concept of the route of evil according to religious teachings and was a message he had to highlight from the then already dated text.
These still being very relevant in today's terms and still easy to comprehend so I see value in using them as part of my core moral principles.
The times in my life where I have allowed myself to be guilty of any one of the seven deadly sins, it has left me feeling wretched and disgusted with myself and by not adhering to them, has brought me nothing but harm.
Now if ever I feel even slightly inclined towards taking that route again I stop and take a long hard look at myself and fix what it is that is failing in me to make me feel like I need to act that way.
Yes I really believe it all comes down to what you need to change in you, as for me these seven deadly sins all reflect a level of selfishness and self centeredness that should you wander down that path means it's time to get yourself back in check.
Here's a couple of examples of what I mean and why I choose to use them as guidance in my life;
The intense desire to have what another has;
Those times we have felt sick to the stomach when a friend has been handed on a plate something not only do you feel they don't deserve but it's you who deserves it more. Not one bit of you is pleased or happy for them, just resentful!
I know that when my life is going well I am always genuinely happy to see others do well and have a bit of luck!
The only time I ever feel envy is when I am underachieving because of no other reason but me!
Now if I feel envy it's a wake up call for me to pull my finger out and do something!
I don't want to feel envious of others! I want to be happy for them!
A strong passion or longing especially for sexual desires
This to me is the times in a relationship when I have wanted to cheat! Everyone is tempted but if a relationship is worth something to you then you resist!
When I feel like I don't want to resist then it's a sign to me that something is very wrong with the relationship and rather than cheat, it's a message for me to deal with the problem or end the relationship!
An excessive pursuit of material goods.
There have been times in my life that I have had the Porsche, expensive designer clothes, the huge house etc etc and no matter how much I have, I have felt empty and unfulfilled.
Don't get me wrong I love having all that but I also need a certain level of balance too.
Therefore the sin of greed to me is a reminder that if I am no longer feeling blessed despite all the material wealth then I need to keep it real and find solace and happiness in the other areas of my life such as spirituality, education and the earth's bountiful nature and natural beauty.
I have a spring clean and give away the things I have too much of and treat family and friends. Give to charity and do some good deeds to keep me from getting sucked into the soul less world of keeping up with the Jones's (aka the city bigwigs and the establishment)
My point being that some Religious beliefs can be adapted to serve you well and are surely far better than having no moral ethics to guide us for living in the world today!
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