The Power of Positive Thinking

I know its a bit of a cliche these days with every sports personality quoting it as part of a lucrative deal to promote a leading sportswear  brand (or any brand or corporation come to think of it) so you have heard it all before and its somehow lost its magic no doubt and just another marketing slogan to you..

Positive Mental Attitude! Positive Thinking! Stay Positive! Blah blah blah.... buy this drink or these trainers!

However, I will carry on regardless, as to master the art of positive thinking and to have an unshakable positive mental attitude starts with really understanding that it does works for everyone firstly, if you know how to do it, how it works and apply it to your life!

'The power of positive  thinking' is a very useful and important skill to learn in life.
Its a life lesson that I am glad I did not bunk off from as my life has been far better for really getting to grips with the point of it!

My first real encounter with the concept of the power of positive  thinking was back in my late teens when I  bought a book at a jumble sale for the extortionate price of 10 pence.

The book was called 'The Power of Positive Thinking' first published in 1952 and written by Norman Vincent Peale who was actually a Reverend of the church.

Despite my huge loss of faith and non existent belief in God at that time I nevertheless was intrigued to read the book.

I have read a great many of these kind of books over the years and this is still by far one of my favourites!

I would recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in learning about this further in a way that is clear and easy to understand.

It takes time and effort to retrain ourselves to become a naturally positive person and to dissolve our minds of the negative thinking patterns that we have all learned along the way.

Its not enough to just think a positive thing once in a while and expect it to change everything but its a start.

The goal is to see instinctively,  every single minute of life through positive eyes...

That does not mean that you will not have difficulties and hardships that you will have to face but it does mean you will see them as a challenge to seek the solution to overcome and not as an overwhelming burden to add to the long list of many other overwhelming burdens you already have. However it will mean that the hurdles you face will become less infrequent!

One of the key steps in the quest for your positive attitude is to become aware of your own inner voice and self talk.

Listen to how you talk to yourself and if/when that voice is critical of you and the ideas you have or things you have done, dont let it become a road to self doubt or sabotage your self esteem.

The inner voice is you and you have to learn to talk to yourself positively and to never criticise or beat yourself up with your self talk. If you cannot view yourself positively then you will have difficulty in seeing others positively.

When you think you have messed up, yes acknowledge that you have but why get angry and berate yourself! You made a mistake so be kind to yourself as you are only human and being positive about your mistake and the situation will be far more productive in the way to make it right and to avoid doing it again than making yourself feel bad or small and ashamed or guilty!


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