Stop with the self pity

The only person who you can ever really rely upon in life is yourself and when you know that you have to rely upon yourself to get things done then you will realise that self pity, a victim mentality and a ‘why me' or ‘its not fair' attitude is not going to change your circumstances or make you feel better about things, in fact it will stop you from doing something to make your life better and will probably make you feel bitter and resentful and stuck in a rut. You have no control over the poor behaviour of others and you are not responsible for their poor behaviour and you are certainly not to blame for it so you have to look at it as shame on them and not shame on you and rise above it and take responsibility for yourself and your own life to move forward from it without letting it have a detrimental effect on you and your self worth or change the way that you treat people and yourself. You are responsible for the way you conduct yourself and no matter what happens you must keep your own standards high and if others don't treat you properly then you must make sure that you treat yourself properly and with the respect and kindness you deserve. There is a positive in every negative situation and you have to focus on working out what that is instead of dwell on the negative. You should also be grateful for all your blessings and the small things in life as you are better off than many others as you have been wronged in the past but you have come through it and you are not being wronged anymore whereas there are many who are still stuck in the situation that you were once in. Everything that happens in life whether it's good or bad, shapes us into the person who we are so learn from these things and allow them to help you grow and develop instead of stunt your growth and erode your self esteem. There is nothing that life throws at you that you are not fully equipped to deal with!
