Dont stress it!

You have to accept life on lifes terms and have faith in your own abilities to be able to deal with the challenges you have that are in your control by realising that life throws nothing at you that you are not fully equipped to deal with and not worry about the things that you have no control over.
Everything passes in time and nothing ever stays the same so accept that all you have is the present moment and in that moment if you are not thinking about the past or projecting into the future then in the here and now you are ok so enjoy the present moment as all is well in this place at that very moment.
There is always a positive and a negative in all circumstances that arise even if you initially see only the negatives so look for the positives and you will see them.
You should not waste time stressing about events in the past as the past is gone and it cant be changed and you should not waste time stressing about the things in the future which you can not ever be certain that will happen and if they do they you will be able to deal with it then and if and when it happens instead of fretting about it bbeforehand.
Also you must ask yourself in the times when you are stressing about things, whether in the grand scheme of things are they really that important and do they really matter that much..
Be grateful for all you have and the little things in life that you may take for granted such as the beauty of the natural world and be aware of your surroundings and watch the amazing things that you may take for granted like the sun rising and setting
