Top tips for healthy self esteem

Firstly you have to accept yourself as you are for good and bad as you are who you are and you should never apologise for that or try to change for others just to be accepted and fit in and you should certainly never dislike parts of yourself.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and you have to learn to love them all in the same way as you are unique and there are reasons why you are the way you are.

Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to try new things is a good way to enhance your self esteem and confidence in yourself and your own abilities. 

Doing one small thing a day to help you grow, learn and develop means that in a year you will have accomplished at the very least 365 different things that will have changed you for the better and increased your self esteem and worth.

Taking responsibility for your own actions, decisions and the consequences that they bring also will make you feel more confident in yourself as you will know that you can really trust yourself to do what's right for you.

Don't ask others for their opinions of you as it's your own opinion of yourself that matters as when it comes to the subject of you, you are the one who is best placed and has the most knowledge and expertise about you and your life.

Dont compare yourself with others as we are all too complex, different and unique to make any worthwhile comparisons with others.

Treat others with the respect and courtesy that you expect from others and if they don't reciprocate your decency then accept that you are not responsible for their poor behaviour and low standards and you are only responsible for your own so don't allow the poor conduct of others to make you behave in a way that means that you lower your own standards to meet theirs.

Be kind to yourself and remind yourself every day that you are great and if you make a mistake then take responsibility for it, forgive yourself as you are only human, make amends where possible, learn from it, let it go and move on but do not punish yourself or beat yourself up for it.

Be aware of what your internal dialogue is saying and if you catch yourself thinking negatively about yourself and telling yourself that you are not good enough or worthless or anything else that is putting yourself down then break this train of thought by reminding yourself of all your good qualities.

Check your motives are right and pure for your actions before you make the decision to act and avoid doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

Try to look for the positive in every situation as there is always a positive even in the hardships of life.

Avoid self pity and having a ‘why me' or ‘it's not fair' attitude as this will only make you feel resentful and bitter and eat at your self esteem.

Try to find something to be grateful for every day no matter how small.

Try and live in the present moment and accept life on lifes terms and be assured that everything is as it should be.
