Core moral values

Core moral principles are essential to live life the right way and be true to yourself!
I believe that we can and should all try to live by a set of core moral principles regardless of whether your opinion of religion is. 

Or that it is no longer relevant and out of touch with modern day living. 
A view shared by many in these modern times! 

This is sad, as in my opinion the key principles for all religions are the same and still relevant and fit for purpose as a guide for better living, if adapted and understood in todays terms. 

Our human instincts give us all a conscience to guide us to do the right thing and the sense of right and wrong, regardless of any religious faith. 

Not so long ago these basic human principles were taught to most via Christian and Catholic religion through schools prior to multi cultural Britain. 

Now so as not to offend other faiths, sadly no core morals are being taught or learned at school anymore (or anywhere) thus a whole new generation is missing out on valuable life skills designed to help them live life being true to themselves by having a knowledge of core morals and an awareness of their sense of right and wrong.

   Through my school years (attending Church of England schools which most were) I learned about core morals and how to tap into my sense of right and wrong. 

 In the main by trial and error my moral compass developed, eventually by instinct, guiding me to do the right thing and being deterred from doing what I deep down sensed was wrong by filling me with an uncomfortable feeling of guilt until I made it right. 

 I learned over many years that if I didn't truly listen to myself and do the right thing, it was me that ultimately paid the price.

 For example; 
In my youth, I did lie to benefit myself, only to find that the benefit was not worth what it took from me. 

 As soon as any lie left my mouth, I was on edge the whole time worrying my lies would be found out. 

 My self esteem was low as I knew I hadn't been true to myself. I distrusted others as I saw them through my eyes as capable of lying like I had. I expected some sort of redress or punishment to come as I believed in karma and what goes around comes around. 

 Of course when you are constantly expecting the worse to happen, it usually does and often did.

      Eventually (and fortunately early in my teens) I worked out that lying was not worth it but it took a lot of lies, a lot of bad feelings and a lot of rebuilding my self esteem to get there.
Adopting a core set of morals and beliefs to live by does enhance your life by making it guilt free and giving you a true sense of self. 
 It is not always easy to do the right thing and does not mean your decisions are seen as right by others or always right but even if it turns out not to be the right decision later down the line, knowing that wholeheartedly, you did what you truly believed was right at the time makes it easier to live with. 

It also makes it easier to rectify and eventually make it right in the end. 
 We are only human and all make mistakes but how you choose to handle those situations going forward is what matters. 

 I do know however that a genuine mistake is one you can always make right again Living by good standards such as honesty, respect, kindness, generosity as well as showing empathy, refraining from casting judgement over others and feeling genuinely pleased when people succeed instead of resentment does not mean that people will act that way towards you. It does however mean that you can live life free of guilt and feeling good about the person you are!


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