You know who you are better than anyone

As we go through life we must hear a million times or more from others that we are this person or that person or we should be this way or that way.

From teachers, parents, friends and even those who barely know us, they all have an opinion to give about the person they think we are and the person they want us to be!

Sadly its human nature to want to label others and to put everyone in a box or category but a wise human being like you is aware that you cannot be defined in one way as we are all very unique and complex individuals and we cannot be compared. 

However if you try to fight everyone who tries to define you as one thing or another or tell you what you should be you will become exhausted and you even may act out of character in the opposite extreme to make your point that they are not getting you which may come across as insincere and not a true reflection of who you are and likely to make them reinforce that they have the right opinion of you as they will think that they know you better than you know yourself or decide that you are not happy as you are otherwise you wouldn't have reacted in that way.

This doesn't mean that you have to accept these things about yourself that others say we are nor does it mean that you should be defiant and cut off your nose to spite your face but sadly we often do or at the very least we allow these judgements about us to cause us to doubt ourselves or dig our heels in and deny ourselves which is hardly surprising when we are constantly labelled, generalised and stereotyped throughout our entire lives!

I know it's hard but you have to focus on yourself and stay true to who you are and not let the labels and opinions of others have any effect on you no matter how many times you have to hear these things which at times feels like you are being brainwashed..

For example you are told 'You are too fat!'
But you are told this in a million different ways from it being said directly, indirectly, hinted at, by use of reverse psychology, out of malice, jealousy, spite or out of concern, caring and love! You not only hear these words from anyone and everyone, you are subliminally told in adverts, TV shows, magazines and by health warnings contained in the packaging of every single item of food and drink that you consume as well  as when you go to the high street to buy clothes and in the window of every fashion house you see a plastic dummy that is supposed to represent what a person who is not fat looks like in those clothes when in reality its unlikely that they would even fit a new born baby let alone a 'normal' size healthy girl!

The sad truth is that you are probably not fat at all but when you are being compared to a stick insect of course they will say that you are fat!

Even if you are fatter than some, you will not be fat in comparison to others and who the hell cares if you are healthy and happy with who you are!

You are who you are and you should never apologise for being yourself or be made to feel bad about who you are and you should never try to change just to fit in and be accepted! Especially in a society where the opinions of what you have to be to conform are fickle and change from one extreme to the other quicker than you can say 'I am who I am!' 

Let's be realistic here! 

Should you listen to what you are being told which may be that you are fat after you spend months to achieve being skinny you will probably then be told that you are too thin and out of vogue as you have to be voluptuous now to be accepted!

The same principle applies to all whether it be about your looks, personality, intelligence or your interests.

Everytime you hear someone label you, just shrug it off and don't waste your time trying to defend yourself but instead take yourself off to a quiet place and reaffirm to yourself everything that you know about the person you are and why you know that they are wrong as this will make you stronger and give you an unshakeable sense of self, a higher level of self esteem as well as acceptance of yourself to the point where you will not care whatsoever about the opinions of others.

You are the most knowledgeable person in the subject of you and noone will ever know you better than you do.. don't let the opinions of others define who you are and what you are capable of achieving in life and go out there and grap life by the horns and show the world that you know exactly who you are and what you want!

Be you and do what is right for you because you want to and not because others say you have to!


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